I am delighted to announce that Touch Gloves, which I wrote with Velton J. Lishke, has received another award – this time ‘Best Social Screenplay’ at the ‘Best Global Shorts’ International Film Festival. This screenplay is winning everything – and we couldn’t be happier. The story follows the life of Samuel, a young, homeless, Muslim boxer, who befriends a white less-than-PC, bordering-on-racist trainer, Lenny. The two of them learn to work together to overcome their differences and help Samuel compete in the underground boxing scene. But things are never that easy, are they?

It’s a tale of hope, tragedy and how, despite their differences and long held beliefs, people can work together to be more than they can individually. A boxing movie with a real difference – we hope to make this in 2020.
A massive shout out to the festival for showing such belief in us.