
‘I must be mental’

Mental health, neurodiversity & suicide in the arts – and why you are most definitely not alone. When I gave up my previous career and became an actor/writer/playwright, a work colleague and ‘friend’ told me ‘I must be mental’ - not a term that reeks of political correctness, but let’s overlook that for now, because despite an interesting language choice, perhaps there is a kernel of truth to what they ...

We won a writing award for Past Tents! But do we deserve it…?

We won a writing award! This our first writing award as playwrights – our play PAST TENTS continues to punch well above its weight. How did we manage to win against such fearsome competition? It’s hard to say, because we don’t actually believe it yet. Maybe we are conditioned not to. I cannot talk for Seth, but in life, never-mind as a writer, I am utterly devoid of self-belief.  I ...


...or how to sort the bad from the good when going on tour. I produced a theatre show this year and wanted to share some things I learned from dealing with numerous theatres across the UK. Some of my experiences are poor, some great - but overall it's been a real lesson. I'm a first time producer - I got some things wrong, some right and had successes and disasters ...


Past Tents starring David J Keogh, Seth Jones and Mark Keegan The 5 star rated play I co-wrote with the brilliant Seth Jones is going on a UK tour - there are 6 venues announced and a few others we hope coming soon. We hope to see you at one of them (Ticket details below). Joining us on this journey is the always hilarious and lovely Mark Keegan, who once ...

How should I write a biographical screenplay?

by David J. Keogh (Screenwriter) It is well documented that Mark Zuckerberg hated the depiction of himself in “The Social Network”. Likewise Julian Assange hated "The Fifth Estate" - there are many others who have hated the depictions of themselves or the way the story has veered from the actual events. So I am in a quandary. I have recently been asked to write a biography of a lesser known ...

ADHD – Writer’s ‘superpower’ or Writer’s ‘Curse’?

WHY DO I RUN UP ESCALATORS? Because I always feel I have to try harder than others to get to the same place. Why does my brain work like this? What does this have to do with screenwriting? Well I can be prolific - sometimes I can write 50 pages in a day - it's a frenetic frenzy of activity that I can't control - it literally spews out of ...

Funny ha ha. The terror of writing comedy.

Oh... we had a laugh... didn't we? We all have our favourite films, don't we? My comedy favourite is Planes Trains and Automobiles - for three reasons - the story is funny and heartfelt (the ending is a stomach punch), you love and care for the characters and every single small character is hilariously observed. The actors have gone to to town on them and each one of them is ...

Just do what you can. That’s enough.

So it's fair to say that I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front since the first lockdown began. I've seen so many creatives posting about how well they are doing, how they are learning new skills, writing their opuses, etc... and frankly, it puts unfair pressure on those of us who are just trying to not feel guilty about all the time we have procrastinated away n Lockdown ...

Locked Down… But Not Out!

Here's a link to a great podcast I did... it's quite personal, but hopefully entertaining enough to listen to or watch on the link (people seem to like it). You get to see me score the best penny football goal in history... ruin my self worth when trying to name cleaning products in the quiz... and just talking all things lock down! This Sharknado script isn't bad... (said nobody ever) ...

Crazy Times, Coronavirus & Continuing the Creativity

I’ve read a lot of writing Tweets, Facebook Posts, Blogs etc… recently which tell you that as a writer, you should be using this period of self-isolation to write your opus or become super-productive! But in times of stress, fear and worry, it’s not always possible.  I’m also now a full-time home schoolteacher (and has to be said, not a very effective one) and I’m also trying to help out ...